Composting Toilets vs. Flush Toilets

August 31, 2021

Composting Toilets vs. Flush Toilets

Toilets are an essential part of our daily lives, but have you ever wondered about the impact your toilet has on the environment? In recent years, composting toilets have gained popularity due to their eco-friendliness, but how do they compare to the traditional flush toilet? Here, we'll take a look at the differences between the two types of toilets, focusing on their impact on the environment and cost-effectiveness.

Environmental Impact

Flush toilets use a significant amount of water, an estimated 1.6 gallons per flush, which puts a strain on water resources. Additionally, flushing waste requires energy to pump and treat wastewater. This results in an increased carbon footprint, and contributes to water pollution. On the other hand, composting toilets do not require water to dispose of waste, and they produce nutrient-rich compost that can be used to fertilize plants, thus reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. In terms of environmental impact, composting toilets have a clear advantage.


When it comes to cost, there is a significant difference between the two types of toilets. Flush toilets are typically less expensive to install, but require ongoing water and sewer fees. Over time, these fees can add up and make the flush toilet more expensive in the long run. Composting toilets, on the other hand, do not require any ongoing fees, but they are more expensive to install. The cost of installation and maintenance are the biggest factors in determining the cost-effectiveness of composting toilets.

Which One To Choose?

When considering which type of toilet to choose, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of each option. If you're looking for an eco-friendlier option, composting toilets are the clear choice. They have a lower environmental impact and produce nutrient-rich compost, which is a bonus for gardeners. On the other hand, if cost is a significant factor, flush toilets may be the more cost-effective option, especially in the short term.


In conclusion, composting toilets and flush toilets both have their advantages and disadvantages. Composting toilets are more eco-friendly, but require a higher initial investment. Flush toilets are less expensive to install, but require ongoing water and sewer fees, and have a higher environmental impact. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your individual needs and priorities.


  1. "Composting Toilets: An Alternative to Flush Toilets." The Spruce, 2021,

  2. "Flush Facts: Toilets and Water Use." WaterSense, 2021,

  3. "Cost Comparison: Composting Toilet vs. Flush Toilet." Composting Toilet World, 2021,

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